Under The Rainbow - Summer 2019
Showing of 8 results

Baby's Teeth Coming In? You Can Relieve Teething Pain Safely Without Medicine
Six simple solutions to give your baby teething pain relief without using any medicine -- either prescribed or over-the-counter.

How Are Your Sunscreen Smarts?
Here's a handy guide to understand how often to reapply sunscreen -- and how much to use.

The Most Important Teen Health Issues Parents Need to Know About
It's still important for teens to have regular well-child checkups. These visits can help catch health problems early and they're an important opportunity to help address sensitive issues that are unique to teens.

Is It Safe To Vape If You're Pregnant?
Are e-cigarettes, a popular substitute for smoking tobacco, a safe alternative for women to use while pregnant? Learn whether vaping can harm your unborn child.

One Youngster's Super Power: Living Joyfully With a GI Disorder
Getting chronic constipation under control can greatly improve a child's quality of life. Learn more about how Rainbow physicians helped one little girl.

Pregnant? Know the Warning Signs of Preeclampsia
A better understanding of preeclampsia, how it is treated, and whether you are at risk can help you safeguard the health of you and your baby. Untreated, this condition may threaten both mother and child.

How To Spot Eye Trouble In Your Child
A child with untreated eye problems is at risk for impaired learning and development, so it's important that any signs or symptoms of eye trouble are addressed immediately.

Physicals and Checkups: Why They're Extra Meaningful for Teens
Your child should continue to see a pediatrician throughout the teenage years. Your child's pediatric practice is their medical home -- where you and your child are building a trusting relationship with a pediatric team.