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Diet & Nutrition

Showing   of 102 results

Infographic: Five Benefits of Sparkling Water

5 Benefits of Sparkling Water

Sparkling water can help you stay hydrated and offers unique benefits compared to tap water.

Infographic: The Science of Hangry

The Science of Being "Hangry"

When you haven’t eaten in a while, blood sugar drops. This affects the brain’s ability to regulate behavior, so it’s easier to lash out or become frustrated.

Assorted bottles of seed oils

Are Seed Oils Getting a Bad Rap?

In response to recent news stories about the dangers of seed oils, our dietary expert explains how to enjoy them in moderation without negative health effects.

Infographic: The Health Benefits of Pumpkin

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin is low in calories and high in fiber. It's also a rich source of important vitamins and antioxidants.

Infographic: The Health Benefits of Fall Spices

The Health Benefits of Fall Spices

Fall spices aren’t just tasty, they can also help reduce blood sugar, ease joint pain, slow cancer cell growth and much more.

Expiry date on a packet of bagels

Is Food Safe to Eat After the Expiration Date?

You’ve undoubtedly seen the phrases “use by,” “sell by” and “best if used by” on packaging. What do those labels mean?

A woman holds a tape measure around her waist, checking diet results in a full-length mirror

10 Numbers That Matter for Your Health

When it comes to your health, there’s no shortage of health information. Here are 10 numbers to prioritize for your well-being and longevity.

Hands of a young woman as she chops carrots with a big knife with various vegetables on the kitchen counter

Should Your Family Go Plant-Based?

Rich in fruits, veggies and healthy proteins, a plant-based diet offers many health benefits for your family.

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