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Showing   of 126 results

Scientist pipetting sample into tray for DNA testing in laboratory

Lynch Syndrome: Genetic Disorder Raises Risk of Many Cancers

A family history of Lynch syndrome-associated cancers is an important reason to get genetic testing for the disorder.

patients screened for cancer

Improving Cancer Outcomes Among African Americans

Cancer screenings and prevention strategies are essential in helping reduce the burden of cancer in the African American community.

Carroll “Buddy” Scoville and his wife Mickey at UH Geauga Medical Center

Rapid Rise to Cancer-Free Outcome

The first recipient of rapid novel CAR T-cell therapy was delighted by his treatment at UH.

Leland Metheny, MD and Tracey Lynch

Veteran Receives Bone Marrow Transplant as an Outpatient

When Navy veteran Tracey Lynch was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and required a bone marrow transplant, she was pleased to have the option of being treated on an outpatient basis.

How Cancer is Different for African Americans

How Cancer Is Different for African Americans

Getting cancer screenings at the recommended times is the key to both preventing cancer and detecting it early when it's most treatable.

In Vitro Fertilization Shown on a Computer Monitor

How Young People With Cancer Can Preserve Fertility

Cancer treatment can harm a person’s ability to have children. Fortunately, young cancer patients have options to help preserve their fertility.

Dana Saunders Sr. poses with Ronald Charles, MD

Man Undergoes Surgery After Colonoscopy Detects Cancer

Dana Saunders, Sr., 61, knows from experience how important getting a colonoscopy screening is, especially if you have risk factors for colon cancer.

Brian Weary stands inside University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center

Retired Truck Driver Chooses Groundbreaking Cancer Care at UH

After Brian Weary was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, he underwent lifesaving immunotherapy treatments at UH to erase his cancer.

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