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Young woman talking with doctor

Can't Burp? Finding Relief for a Rare but Distressing Disorder

The inability to burp is the defining characteristic of a newly named disorder that’s been gaining traction on social media as sufferers seek relief.

Happy senior friends talking and eating at restaurant

When Swallowing Difficulties Put a Damper on Dining

Eating and drinking is an important part of socializing for most people, and those with dysphagia often report feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety.

A researcher holds a vial containing blood

New Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer: What to Know

A new blood test should make screening easier for people who are reluctant to have a colonoscopy or use at-home tests.

 A variety of soda cans

Is Diet Soda a Healthy Choice?

For those trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, diet soda might seem like a sensible option. Learn why artificial sweeteners may be more harmful than sugar.

Bernard Michalak running

Nurse’s Life Transformed with Weight Loss Surgery

Determined to improve his health, this 35-year-old nurse opted for bariatric surgery at UH Parma Medical Center and lost 165 pounds.

Infographic: Are Natural Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?

Are Natural Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?

If you’re looking to cut sugar, you may have considered natural sweeteners. Here's what to keep in mind when choosing one.

Woman holding a chewable antacid

Is the Long-Term Use of Antacids Safe?

Many people rely on the occasional use of antacids to control symptoms of heartburn. But is there a downside? How much is too much?

A woman holds a granola bar while enjoying the outdoors

Constipated? Why More Fiber Might Not Be the Answer

About 20 percent of adults have chronic constipation. Fiber intake often plays a role, but for some it’s not the answer.

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