Baby's Teeth Coming In? You Can Relieve Teething Pain Safely Without Medicine
April 26, 2022

On average, children begin teething around 4 to 7 months, and have a total of 20 “baby teeth” by age 3. Occasional symptoms of teething include mild irritability, a low-level fever, drooling, and an urge to chew something hard.
When your baby is howling from a sharp little incisor that’s just itching to break through the gumline, you understandably want to do whatever you can to stop the pain.
But if your go-to has been homeopathic teething tablets and gels, you’ll want to switch up your strategy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises that these may pose a risk to children and infants.
The FDA warns caretakers to be on the lookout for these symptoms after using a homeopathic teething aid:
- Seizures
- Difficulty breathing
- Excessive sleepiness
- Muscle weakness
- Flushed skin
- Constipation
- Trouble urinating
- Agitation
If you observe any of these symptoms, contact your pediatrician immediately.
6 Simple Solutions to Teething Pain Relief
“The good news is that teething pain can be managed without medications of any kind, whether prescribed or over-the-counter,” says Joseph Paxitzis, CNP, a provider at UH Rainbow Children’s Medical Group.
Those medicines, intended to help your baby, has the potential to cause harm, he says.
“In fact, many pain relievers contain benzocaine, which can pose a safety risk leading to methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder that causes a reduction in blood oxygen and can be fatal,” Paxitzis says.
Benzocaine is sold under brand names such as Anbesol, Baby Orajel, Cepacol, Chloraseptic, Hurricaine, Orabase, Orajel and Topex, along with generic and store brands advertised as relieving oral pain. It is also not safe to use alcohol on babies gums to soothe teething pain.
Paxitzis advises trying these all-natural items instead to help make your baby a little more comfortable:
- A wet washcloth. Place it in the freezer for 15 to 30 minutes first and then let your child gnaw on it.
- A frozen banana or berries. These are an option once you’ve introduced solids.
- Solid teething rings. Chill these in the freezer beforehand but not to the point at which they’re rock solid. Skip the liquid-filled rings, as there’s a chance that sharp teeth could puncture these and release the liquid, which may contain bacteria.
- A sippy cup of cool water. This is a good choice once your baby is older than 6 to 9 months.
- Chewy toys. Try ones made of silicone or latex instead of plastic, which may contain potentially harmful chemicals.
- Your finger. This works best before your tiny tot has sprouted any teeth, of course. Just be sure to wash your hands first!
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University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s has the region’s largest coordinated network of pediatric primary care providers, committed to delivering the very best care to babies, children and adolescents. Learn more