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Men’s Health

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Young man talking to therapist

Why Mental Health Matters for Men

Men face unique mental health challenges and symptoms, and are less likely to seek help. Improving mental health starts with talking about it.

Close up of hands holding the testicular cancer ribbon

Awareness Is Key to Detecting Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in younger men. And chances are, your doctor isn’t screening for it during a routine physical exam.

Group of men talking

New Research Shows Benefits of PSA Screening

The results of a recent study support the use of PSA screening in preventing advanced-stage prostate cancer and deaths from prostate cancer.

Man and woman meeting with doctor

Is a Vasectomy Permanent?

Urologists agree that vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of male sterilization. But how permanent is “permanent”?

view of heart and surrounding arteries inside the body

Why Heart Attacks Are on the Rise in Younger People

From 2006 to 2016, heart attacks for people younger than age 40 have increased by 2 percent every year. What is driving this trend?

man seated with crossed legs on exercise mat stretching arm across his body

How To Raise Your ‘Good’ Cholesterol

Did you know that there is one kind of blood cholesterol that is actually good for you to have lots of? It’s HDL cholesterol. Having an HDL level within the recommended range is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

female doctor listens with stethoscope to male patients back

Prevent Avoidable Chronic Conditions and Disease with an Annual Wellness Visit

We know at which age a person’s likelihood of disease goes dramatically up. That's why preventive screenings are suggested beginning at a certain age, depending on your gender and the illness – medical evidence shows precisely when that is.

older man and woman preparing food

Reduce Your Salt Intake and Improve Your Health

Many people don’t know the amount of sodium in foods they eat. While sodium makes food taste better, it also contributes to high blood pressure, elevating risk of heart attack and stroke.

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