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Under The Rainbow - Winter 2017

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Recipe: Peanut Butter Teething Biscuits

Put aside those store-bought, manufactured teething biscuits and try our recipe for homemade teething biscuits. Child nutrition guidelines recommend giving your child peanut foods early to avoid developing nut allergies.

Miley Bogle

Early Diagnosis Gives Young Girl with Autism a Fresh Start

Heather Bogle knew something wasn’t quite right with the development of her daughter. After months of worry, she decided to find a different pediatrician.

Don't Let Germs Rule Your Household This Winter

Children fill your home with laughter, love – and respiratory infections, a new study says. The bigger the family, the more time each year family member spend sniffling and sneezing.


How Teens Hide Harmful Behaviors Online

In today’s digital world, kids and teens often sort out their identities online. And some social media platforms have a darker side, often hidden from parents’ view.

Why Young Female Athletes Face a Unique Set of Health Risks

Sports participation can put female athletes at risk for the female athlete triad, a syndrome involving the three interrelated components of energy availability, menstrual function and bone health.

Vaginal Birth After a C-Section: Can It Work for You?

Vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC, is recommended as a safe delivery option for most women. Here’s what you should know.


More Than 15 Percent of U.S. Kids Have a Cognitive Disorder

Researchers surveyed parents of 2- to 8-year-olds nationwide. About 15 percent of the parents reported their child was diagnosed with at least one mental, behavioral or developmental disorder.

How to Spot Hearing Loss in Your Baby

Babies learn how to communicate by listening to and imitating the sounds they hear around them. But if your baby has a hearing problem, his or her ability to speak and understand language could be affected.

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