Under The Rainbow - Fall 2018
Showing of 8 results
9 Tips to Keep Your Kids Germ-Free at School
Some things spread like wildfire in a school – including the latest germs. Share these tips with your kids to keep them as healthy as possible.
Are Hoverboards Dangerous?
Hoverboards -- those two-wheeled or self-balancing boards that are all the rage -- can be a fun way to get around. But are they safe for your children?
Incomparable Care For the Tiniest Patients
When Heather Catanese was 22 weeks pregnant with her third son, Lorenzo, she underwent a routine prenatal anatomy scan. The test showed that blood was flowing in the wrong direction through Lorenzo’s heart.
How to Spot and Manage Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Is your young child feeling under the weather? Watch out for symptoms that could indicate they have hand, foot and mouth disease.
What to Do When Your Child is Afraid of Getting a Shot
Many children have a fear of needles. Learn how to ease your child’s anxiety.
Sibling Struggles: When Conflict Turns into Bullying
Squabbling with siblings is part of growing up – but there is a point when it can go too far.
Reimagining Health Care
The UH Rainbow Center for Women & Children delivers supportive pediatric and women’s health services all under one roof.
Could Selfies Harm Your Teen’s Mental Well-Being?
Editing images before sharing on social media may contribute to low self-esteem and body dysmorphic disorder.