Showing of 17 results

Should You Worry About Mini-Strokes?
While the immediate effects of a mini-stroke aren’t worrisome, they can be an important warning sign.

Quick Action Helps Patient Make Remarkable Recovery From Stroke
In less than 40 hours, Mary Ciancibello goes from a major stroke to returning home feeling fine.

What Is Aphasia? Learn about its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Aphasia is a cognitive disorder that affects 2 million Americans, yet many people have never heard of it. Learn more about this language processing disorder.

Quick Teamwork Saves Patient From Major Stroke and Paralysis
While on a phone call with a coworker, Steve started to slur his speech. When his coworker went to check on him, he found Steve slumped in his chair. Thankfully, his coworker recognized the symptoms and called 9-1-1 right away.

Quick Action Saves Man From Debilitating Effects of Stroke
Strokes in young patients are uncommon, but when they do occur, an injury to the blood vessel called an artery dissection is a common cause -- occurring in up to 20 percent of young adults.

How Ectopic Fat Increases Your Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Visceral fat, which surrounds some of the vital organs, causes insulin resistance and poses a risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. More recently, evidence has shown that ectopic fat also increases risk for these diseases.

Feeling Stroke Symptoms? Don't Let COVID-19 Fears Keep You From the ER
Many physicians think the fear of COVID-19 is preventing stroke victims from seeking out emergency care that could save their life and reduce their risk of disability from a stroke.

Serious Symptoms? The ER Is Still the Best for Medical Emergencies
Many emergency departments, such as those at UH, have procedures in place to screen and separate COVID-19 patients to eliminate the risk of spreading the virus to staff and other patients.