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Walking Pneumonia on the Rise: What Parents Should Know
A respiratory infection that mostly affects adults and older children is now being seen more in children under 5.

The Truth About White Lung Pneumonia
Some media stories are suggesting that white lung pneumonia is a new virus, creating unnecessary concern. It’s not new and it’s usually very treatable.

How the Pneumonia Vaccine Protects You for Life
One shot usually protects you for life; however, you may need a booster based on changes to your health.

5 Vaccines Recommended for Adults Age 65 and Older
Vaccines are particularly important for older adults. The risk for certain diseases is higher for this age group since it can be more difficult to fight off infections as your immune system naturally weakens as you get older.

What is a NICU And Why They Are Needed
Congenital heart defects. Premature births. Anemia. Pneumonia. Brain bleeding. These are just some of the conditions that can land a newborn in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).