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How Heart Disease Affects the Kidneys

The heart and kidneys share a special, life-sustaining connection, so that what’s good or bad for one is generally good or bad for the other.

”Jojo” Jones pictured before and after his kidney transplant procedure

Toddler Thrives After Receiving Kidney Transplant at UH Rainbow

After receiving a kidney transplant at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, one-and-a-half-year-old Josiah “Jojo” Jones is full of energy and doing great.

Lily, Morgan and Christina Nguyen, MD

Friendship With Kidney Transplant Patient Helps Girl Find Comfort

A UH Rainbow nephrologist asked a young kidney transplant if she would consider connecting with Lily, share her experience and be a mentor.

Anna with pediatric urologist Dr. Jessica Hannick at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

UH Doctors Find Source of Girl's Intermittent Abdominal Pain

For more than a year, Anna experienced consistent abdominal pain with no explanation.

kidney stones in kids

Childhood Kidney Stones May Affect Long-Term Health

An increasing number of kids and teens have experienced the agony of kidney stones. Now health experts have concerns about their long-term health.


Why Kidney Health is Vital to Your Overall Well-Being

Properly functioning kidneys are essential for overall well-being and life itself. Learn what they do and how to keep them healthy.

University Hospitals

Young Woman Receives a Life-Saving Transplant After Her Aunt Donates a Kidney

Eight years ago, Kaylin Cassity went to University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center in Ashland because she had been experiencing persistent headaches and nausea. According to Kaylin, that visit turned out to be truly life-saving.

Patricia Reed

Transplant Story

Patricia met her organ donor while telling a story at work. The two have since become friends who travel together every year.

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