Jayna Metalonis, MS, RD, LD
Showing of 4 results

Is a Gluten-Free Diet Healthier?
The recent popularity of gluten-free foods on store shelves and in restaurant menus has made lot of people wonder if going gluten-free is healthier.

Spicy Food Challenges: Harmful or Healthy?
While a spicy food challenge isn’t likely to have lasting benefits, there are some surprising health benefits to eating spicy food over time.

Fire Up the Grill This Summer, Not Your Heartburn
Does frequent heartburn come between you and your favorite foods at outdoor cookouts? It doesn’t have to - here are some common sense tips to help put fun back on the table.

Dietary Protein: Why, When and How Much?
Adding more protein to your diet can be beneficial in many ways. It can help you lose weight, gain muscle and raise energy levels. Here’s what you need to know.
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