Showing of 75 results

Can Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a large-scale research review exploring the connection between cell phone use and brain cancer.

10 Numbers That Matter for Your Health
When it comes to your health, there’s no shortage of health information. Here are 10 numbers to prioritize for your well-being and longevity.

Lynch Syndrome: Genetic Disorder Raises Risk of Many Cancers
A family history of Lynch syndrome-associated cancers is an important reason to get genetic testing for the disorder.

Improving Cancer Outcomes Among African Americans
Cancer screenings and prevention strategies are essential in helping reduce the burden of cancer in the African American community.

Veteran Receives Bone Marrow Transplant as an Outpatient
When Navy veteran Tracey Lynch was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and required a bone marrow transplant, she was pleased to have the option of being treated on an outpatient basis.

How Young People With Cancer Can Preserve Fertility
Cancer treatment can harm a person’s ability to have children. Fortunately, young cancer patients have options to help preserve their fertility.

How to Help Your Child Thrive After Cancer
Children often face long-term complications as a result of cancer or the treatments they received. Here are some strategies to help them thrive.

Research: High Blood Sugar Makes Chemotherapy More Effective
The findings reveal a new way to treat cancer that would be low cost and could be easily tested in other patients with cancer.