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Poison Ivy versus Other Skin-Irritating Plants

Poison Ivy versus Other Skin-Irritating Plants

Poison ivy, sumac and oak all contain a chemical that causes an itchy rash. Here's how to identify the plants and find relief.

Infographic: The Buzz About Bee Stings

The Buzz About Bee Stings

Bee stings are a common concern for children and adults. Learn how to avoid getting stung and what to do if you are.

Infographic: 5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies

5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies

Millions of people are affected every year by seasonal allergies brought on by pollen in spring. Learn what you can do to guard against exposure to this dust-like substance that causes allergy symptoms.

man sneezing outdoors

Finding Seasonal Allergy Relief With Immunotherapy

When medication isn’t enough to relieve your seasonal allergy symptoms, immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots can help.

A teenage girl with allergies blowing her nose on a summer day

Why A Mild Winter Means a Worse Allergy Season

A mild winter has contributed to another severe allergy season, as pollen is circulating earlier and there’s more of it in the air.

A young man with closed eyes wearing a face protective mask and coughing in his arm

Is It COVID-19, Cold, Allergies or the Flu?

You feel ill with nasal congestion, scratchy throat and fatigue. Is it a cold or is it COVID-19? Could it be allergies?

A four year old boy washing the dishes with his mum in the kitchen

Living with Germs Has Its Upside, Don’t Overdo Cleanliness

The pandemic has made us hyper-aware of germ avoidance. But with COVID-19 waning, it’s a good time to point out that it’s possible to be overly vigilant about avoiding germs.

woman sneezing into tissue outdoors

Can You Develop Allergies as an Adult? and Other Top Sinus-Related Questions

Environmental allergies are a really common issue throughout the United States; allergies are actually becoming more common. Here are the most common questions a UH ear, nose and throat specialist hears from patients.

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