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Check Yourself: Preventive Care Needs for Men

A happy man being examined by an older physician

Men face a unique set of health challenges. With an average lifespan of seven years less than women and leading women in 14 out of the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S., comprehensive and preventive care for men is essential.

The men’s health experts at University Hospitals Cutler Center for Men have introduced the Guy’s Care Checklist. A comprehensive guide to preventive care through all ages and stages of life, the checklist is designed to help men get the care they need to stay ahead of their health.

The Annual Wellness Visit

After leaving the care of a pediatrician (around age 18), men should establish care with a primary care provider. Primary care providers have a window into your overall health and it’s important to have a relationship with one that you know and trust. Establishing a relationship with a PCP allows that provider to better serve you, your goals, and your needs.

Annual wellness visits are important at all ages – but the goals of the appointment will differ based on your stage in life. In addition to taking physical and vital measurements, and a personal and family health history review, an annual PCP visit is also when your provider reviews medications and discusses any conditions like hypertension, arthritis or diabetes. Immunizations and vaccines according to age can also be administered.

Your PCP will also order additional testing such as a blood panel, cholesterol check or sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening – all offering additional opportunities to proactively monitor and improve your health.

“Your annual wellness visit with a primary care provider is the single most important health touchpoint. Seeing a PCP with regularity allows for the most comprehensive preventive care measures, potentially limiting less favorable health interactions down the road,” says Greg Hall, MD, University Hospitals Primary Care Provider and Medical Director at University Hospitals Cutler Center for Men.

Recommended Screenings for Men

Beyond an annual check-up, men may benefit from other screenings and types of care.

  • Starting at age 20, an annual dental cleaning, vision exam and dermatological screening is recommended for guys.
  • Around age 40, glaucoma tests should be issued as part of vision exams to ensure eye pressure is normal with no damage to the optic nerve.
  • At age 45, pending a family history, colonoscopy screening and prostate cancer screening becomes a crucial part of care.

Other health needs may include an allergy checkup (including testing and medication renewal), hair loss evaluation, hearing exam, or a referral to a urologist for a variety of reproductive and sexual health conditions.

“It’s important to know that men’s health goes beyond issues related to male anatomy. There are dozens of medical specialty care units who exist to help you keep your whole body at its best. Your PCP is able to refer you to any and all of them in a preventive manner, or as needed for treatment,” says Dr. Hall.

Related Links

University Hospitals Cutler Center for Men is more than just another healthcare experience. It’s a full wrap-around service that aims to redefine wellbeing for men through thoughtful, personalized touchpoints that provide lifelong, comprehensive support. Learn more.

Download the Guy’s Care Checklist.
