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The Science of Health

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Smiling woman stands on porch

Can DHEA Improve Menopause Symptoms?

Proponents claim that the synthetic form of the hormone DHEA can provide anti-aging benefits, including menopause relief. Does it live up to the hype?

Man massages hand

Beyond Wrinkles: The Many Uses of Functional Botox

In addition to reducing the appearance of wrinkles, Botox is used to treat a variety of non-cosmetic conditions ranging from overactive bladder to depression.

Infographic: Five Benefits of Sparkling Water

5 Benefits of Sparkling Water

Sparkling water can help you stay hydrated and offers unique benefits compared to tap water.

Smiling couple lying in bed

Maintaining Your Sex Life After Prostate Cancer

Despite the challenges of prostate cancer, many men who go through treatment are able to return to a healthy sex life.

Doctor Measures a Woman's Height

Why Do People Get Shorter as They Age?

A little age-related height loss is both normal and common. In fact, nearly 80 percent of people will shrink an inch or two as they age.

Infographic: The Science of Hangry

The Science of Being "Hangry"

When you haven’t eaten in a while, blood sugar drops. This affects the brain’s ability to regulate behavior, so it’s easier to lash out or become frustrated.

Image of brain and spine

Stiff Person Syndrome: A Rare Neurological Disorder

Stiff person syndrome is a very rare neurological condition that can cause severe, debilitating muscle spasms. There is no cure but it can be treated.

Assorted bottles of seed oils

Are Seed Oils Getting a Bad Rap?

In response to recent news stories about the dangers of seed oils, our dietary expert explains how to enjoy them in moderation without negative health effects.

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