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Under The Rainbow - Summer 2018

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A Breath of Fresh Air

The Pediatric Aerodigestive Program provides collaborative care for a Cleveland toddler with complex airway and digestive conditions.


Are You Starting Your Baby on Solids at the Right Time?

Researchers have determined that about 16 percent of parents introduced solid foods too early.


They Grow So Fast: A Parent’s Guide to Growth Charts

It’s important to track a child’s growth rate over time, but keep in mind that no one number tells the whole story.


When Should My Child See a Pediatric Specialist?

Sometimes, your child might have a problem that warrants a visit to a pediatric specialist.

girl with troubled facial expression

Food Allergy Bullying: A Growing Problem

Food allergies are everywhere, and that’s led to a side effect in children that is more surprising than rashes or throat swelling: food bullying.

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Brush Up on Children’s Dental Emergencies

If your child has a dental emergency, follow these three steps.


4 Tips to Manage Your Child’s Summer Sleep Schedule

For many kids, summer is a time to enjoy the longer days by staying up later with friends or family. Here are a few tips to make sure your kids get sound sleep throughout the summer and return to a routine once school starts.

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What It Means for Your Health If You Have Dense Breasts

Did your last mammogram report say you have dense breasts? You may require additional screening tests to detect breast cancer. Talk to your doctor.

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