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Under The Rainbow - Spring 2019

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woman doing core strengthening exercise

4 Ways Strength Training Can Help Young Athletes Recover After an Injury

Strength training provides a number of benefits for children, especially kids recovering from sports injuries.

Kaylonna Robinson

How Strength Training Propelled One Teen to Fast Recovery

Kaylonna’s basketball season ended abruptly when she severely dislocated her knee, tearing a major ligament and damaging the cartilage. The 16-year-old had suffered dislocations before, but never as devastating.


What You Need to Know About the Polio-Like AFM Virus

Known as AFM, acute flaccid myelitis affects the spinal cord, and causes weakness in the muscles and reflexes. AFM isn’t new, but cases of it have been slowly increasing since 2014.

jaaires bridges

Severe Asthma Program Provides Lifesaving Treatment, Support

Jaaire Bridges was used to dealing with severe asthma and allergies. But at age 10, Jaaire stopped breathing during a severe asthma attack. He survived and recovered without brain damage. But the event changed his family’s life forever.

mom and girl blowing dandelions

How Children's Play Builds Skills for a Lifetime

Allowing kids to spend time playing may be more important to their development than many people realize, says a new study.

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