Theodoros Teknos, MD
Showing of 7 results

Treating the Whole Person
The UH Connor Whole Health Integrative Oncology Clinic provides physician-guided massage therapy and acupuncture to ease cancer patients’ pain.

Using the Body’s Immune System To Fight Cancer
Immunotherapy is a new, groundbreaking approach to treating cancer that harnesses the body’s own natural defenses to fight tumors.

What Cancer Patients Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
Whether you should get vaccinated depend on many factors, such as the type of vaccine, the type of cancer you have or have had, if you are in active treatment or if your immune system is working properly.

Biological Factors May Play Role in Head and Neck Cancer Outcomes
A recent study from UH Seidman Cancer Center suggests biological differences in tumors could be driving differences in outcomes.

Your Doctor Finds Polyps During a Colonoscopy: What It Means
What if your doctor finds polyps during your colonoscopy? It doesn’t necessarily mean cancer.

The Challenge of COVID-19 for Cancer Patients With Weakened Immune Systems
Oncologists and other cancer healthcare providers are taking steps to ensure that cancer patients, who are vulnerable because of their weakened immune systems, are safe.

Diagnosis at Comprehensive Cancer Center Spares Man Disfigurement, Unnecessary Chemo, Surgery
Bob Campana refused to accept the verdict of radical surgery and intensive treatment rendered by another nationally known hospital. So he obtained a second opinion from University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center.