Showing of 6 results

Telemedicine: Convenient and Immediate Access (When Appropriate)
Virtual care is great for when you’re sick and don’t want to leave the house, but it can also be used to manage chronic conditions, refill prescriptions and address urgent care needs.

What You Need to Know About Virtual Care
Virtual care can be the right choice if you have a minor to moderate medical problem. It can also save you significant time and expense.

How to Get a Skin Condition Treated Without an Office Visit
While it may not be as easy as fixing a flaw in a picture, new advancements are making it easier for the dermatologist to address that rash, mark, or rough patch of skin.

Curious About Virtual Visits? Here's What To Expect
With virtual visits, you can access many of the same services you typically receive during a traditional in-person appointment, including remote symptom monitoring, diagnosis and treatment, prescriptions, and other medical services.

How Virtual Visits Keep You Healthy – and Safe
Virtual visits provide a convenient, simple way to make and keep your appointments without having to physically go into the doctor’s office. Learn more about virtual visits.

Best Strategies To Prepare For Your Child's Virtual Visit
Advice on what you need, which tools to have handy and what to expect during your child's virtual exam and afterward.