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Santosh Rao, MD

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Debora Bruno, MD smiles with a cancer infusion patient

How Integrative Oncology Helps Manage Cancer Side Effects

During and after cancer treatment, integrative oncology uses complementary therapies to help manage pain and other side effects.

Male breast cancer survivor Matthew Wright (left)

Treating the Whole Person

The UH Connor Whole Health Integrative Oncology Clinic provides physician-guided massage therapy and acupuncture to ease cancer patients’ pain.

Barbara DiScenna, MA, ATR-BC, LSW, LPC with an oncology patient

How Integrative Therapy Supports Cancer Treatment

Designed to safely relieve the negative side effects of treatments, complementary care can also reduce the chances of cancer recurrence.

Close up of cancer cell

Top 5 Myths About Cancer – And Why They're Wrong

Cancer trails only heart disease as America’s leading cause of death. An expert shares common myths about the disease.

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