Showing of 6 results

How Scalp Cooling Can Help Lessen Hair Loss During Chemotherapy
Scalp cooling is a process that can help lessen hair loss caused by certain chemotherapy drugs. It uses a specially fitted cap that you wear before, during and after chemo. The cap is hooked up to a machine that keeps it cold.

Can Supplements Interfere With Chemotherapy Treatment?
The use of herbs and supplements remains prevalent among people with cancer, and may place them at risk for potential medication interactions both during and after chemotherapy.

5 Lessons Learned From A Cancer Journey
Scott Garson was at a leadership retreat when he received the phone call that the biopsy showed cancer. His cancer treatment took nearly a year. Along the way, five life lessons crystallized for him.

Clinical Trial Investigates New Gene Therapy for Brain Tumors
A clinical trial is exploring a new treatment that ultimately may help turn those with a certain type of deadly brain cancer into patients with a much better prognosis.

Diagnosis at Comprehensive Cancer Center Spares Man Disfigurement, Unnecessary Chemo, Surgery
Bob Campana refused to accept the verdict of radical surgery and intensive treatment rendered by another nationally known hospital. So he obtained a second opinion from University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center.

Why It's Best to Have a Individualized Breast Cancer Treatment Plan
Every woman with breast cancer is unique and needs an individualized treatment plan, especially those who are young, older adults or are pregnant.