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Many Angles to Healing Chronic Wounds

A Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) chamber tank used for specialised medical treatment for injuries

Bruce Hammerman no longer misses any appointments at the Wound Center, since their specialists spared him from a lower leg amputation. Earlier this year, an infected foot ulcer led to a grave condition. Podiatrist Jeffrey Halpert, DPM, performed a debridement and hospitalized Hammerman. He then consulted vascular surgeon Jeffrey Boyko, DO, and Eva Szathmary, MD, an infectious diseases specialist.

The outpatient Wound Center’s multidisciplinary approach brings together the expertise of these and other physician and nurse specialists for optimal wound care. Located on the ground floor of Medical Arts Center 2 on the UH Parma Medical Center campus, the Center provides convenient and caring services for patients with all types of chronic, non-healing wounds and ulcers. The staff works closely with the patient’s primary care physician to create an individualized plan of care for wounds arising from conditions such as diabetes, circulatory problems, immobility, pressure, trauma and other diseases.

They do care, said Hammerman, 50, who received calls from the Wound Center when occasionally he missed an appointment. He developed a rapport with the Center's staff and physicians, whom he credits with not only saving his foot and leg, but for saving his life when the infection entered his bloodstream.

Wound Center patients benefit from:

  • Quicker recovery
  • Decreased hospitalization
  • Prevention of prolonged or permanent disability

“We have a global approach,” said Dr. Halpert, who is a certified wound specialist. The Wound Center offers several treatment options for patients’ wounds to provide them the best opportunity to heal.

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