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A Trusted Second Opinion


Thousands of cardiovascular patients cross the country for care from UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute specialists

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Update | November 2023

Thousands of patients come from across the United States and beyond each year for the compassionate and complex care offered by UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute specialists.

Patients find vascular medicine expert Heather Gornik, MD, for fibromuscular dysplasia, interventional cardiologist Guilherme Attizzani, MD, for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) or MitraClip, and cardiac electrophysiologist Mauricio Arruda, MD, for atrial fibrillation ablation – just to name a few – through their established reputations, media coverage and published work online. Physicians also know them through the live cases performed at international conferences that set UH Harrington HVI apart as a global leader for cardiac care.

“People from all over the world and the country feel comfortable seeking care from us, as we have become a reference for optimal practices,” says Dr. Attizzani, Director of UH Harrington HVI’s Valve and Structural Heart Disease Center since 2014, and the Alexander and Marianna McAfee Chair in Innovative Cardiac Interventions, who has trained and shared expertise with physicians all over the world and often receives referrals from physicians even outside the United States. “We have established a strong and solid structural heart team here. That created a name and a reputation.”

National patient volume to HHVI chart graphic

For inpatient cases alone, 2021 numbers show more than 4,000 patients coming from outside Northeast Ohio. From the West Coast to the Deep South to the Eastern seaboard, patients have sought second and third opinions from UH Harrington HVI experts.

“Over the past 15 years we have been sought out as a referral center by physicians across the nation and abroad,” says Dr. Arruda, Director of the Electrophysiology Center, Atrial Fibrillation Center, and the John R. Antonucci Master Clinician of Cardiovascular Innovation at UH Harrington HVI. He sees patients who do their own research seek out their outstanding procedural outcomes and state-of-the-art technologies for catheter ablation of complex arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and Wolf-Parkinson -White syndrome.

“Many of these patients present to us after having had prior unsuccessful procedures at well-known out of state and local institutions. It has been so rewarding to hear back from national and international patients in whom we have been privileged to participate in the treatment of theirs cardiac arrhythmias, showing their appreciation for how impactful we have been to them and their family.”

Across the miles for Outpatient Care

Patients don’t just come to UH Harrington HVI for complex procedures. They also seek guidance for chronic conditions for which they can receive care on an outpatient basis.

Dr. Gornik, Director of UH Harrington HVI’s Fibromuscular Dysplasia & Arterial Dissection Program, Co-Director of the Vascular Center, and the John B. Lally Family Master Clinician in Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Vascular Care, has for years drawn patients from all over the country for dedicated fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) and arterial dissection care. She diagnoses patients and plans their medical therapies, determining what, if any, procedures are needed.

“Many times, in the context of a rare or uncommon vascular disease, patients want the reassurance that an expert for whom their rare disease is ‘just another day in the clinic’ thinks their care is on the right track locally,” said Dr. Gornik. “In some cases, we do recommend a major change in care direction, such as an invasive procedure, but in other cases, patients just want their situation reviewed by an expert and the chance to ask all of their questions and get more definitive answers.”

Dr. Gornik may refer patients for renal artery assessment and potential balloon angioplasty for renal FMD, which uses a special protocol defined by an international consensus. She also makes referrals for endovascular repair of cerebral aneurysms, as well vascular, cardiac and aortic surgeries.

All of the specialists a patient could need are here at UH Harrington HVI.

“I am incredibly fortunate to partner with my colleagues on our FMD/arterial dissection team in our vascular center, which is endovascular, interventional cardiology and vascular surgery, as well as neurosurgery and cardiac surgery, among other collaborators,” Dr. Gornik added. 

Returning Home

Interventional cardiologist Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD, who draws patients from across the country for limb salvage, notes the Harrington HVI’s care is patient-centric and always about providing the highest quality and the most effective care to each patient.

“We achieve this by having a world class team of experts that always collaborate and provide compassionate care one patient at a time,” said Dr. Shishehbor, President, UH Harrington HVI and the Angela and James Hambrick Chair in Innovation. “This culture and the contribution of our team is now nationally and internationally known. It is never about one physician; rather it is always about the team and our precious patients.”

Dr. Attizzani notes that patients often arrive fragile and sick but consistently leave feeling heard and seen by compassionate caregivers.

“What I hear all the time is that patients come here for the attention we provide,” Dr. Attizzani said. “They want personalized care, and that’s what we offer. And we’ve built trust over the years. Doctors feel confident that not only their patients are going to get the best care, but we’re going to involve them in the discussions and they’re going to get their patients back.”
