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Medical Innovations

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Michael D. Staudt, MD

University Hospitals Completes Groundbreaking Ablation Procedure Using NeuroOne's OneRF System

Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Fall 2024

HPV virus

Navigating the Complex Mechanisms of HPV+ Head and Neck Cancers

Quintin Pan, PhD, explores the surge of HPV+ related head and neck cancers sparking the need for innovative treatment solutions.


LimFlow Technology Redefines Biology: Reverses Blood Flow to Prevent Limb Amputations

Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD, explains how his team is developing preventative solutions to overcome chronic limb-threatening ischemia.


EsoCheck™ & EsoGuard™: Revolutionary Invention Transforms Esophageal Cancer Diagnostics

Amitabh Chak, MD, Sanford Markowitz, MD, PhD, and Joseph Willis, MD, explain the journey of EsoCheck™ and EsoGuard™, an incredible bench to bedside diagnostic discovery to detect Barrett's esophagus and prevent esophageal cancer.

brain with music illustration

Connecting the Mind and Body through Evidence-Based Integrative Modalities

Francoise Adan, MD, and Samuel Rodgers-Melnick, MPH, MT-BC, discuss how Connor Whole Health’s music therapy research shows music reduces pain, stress and anxiety and how this modality can be implemented for patient care.

baby in nicu

Physician Scientist Carries on Legacy of UH Rainbow in Neonatal Care

Cynthia Bearer, MD, explains how her groundbreaking research on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, lipid rafts, and brain development in preterm babies aims to improve neonatal care.


Transforming Patient Outcomes through Radiology Partnerships and AI Solutions

Leonardo Kayat Bittencourt, MD, discusses how the UH RadiCLE is collaborating with innovative teams to use AI application to investigate clinical practices in hope of bringing new solutions to improve patient care and outcomes.

lung and heart monitoring during exercise

Discovery of Protein S-nitrosylation Leads to Creation of Oxygen and Nitric Oxide Exercise Monitor

Jonathan Stamler, MD discusses what lead him to the discover of S-nitrosylation, the binding of nitric oxide to proteins works through allostery and how this all lead to the creation of an oxygen and nitric oxide tracking fitness monitor.

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