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University Hospitals Chooses New Telehealth Solution


Visuwell was evaluated and recommended by departments across our health system

UH Clinical Update | March 2021

Christopher Miller, MDChristopher Miller, MD

By Christopher Miller, MD, MS, President, UH Clinical Network

Thank you for your steadfast service to our patients, our community and each other. Amidst extraordinary challenges and uncertainty these past 12 months, we learned quickly the incredible impact of digital health for our patients and caregivers. We established a strong foundation for a new culture and process of how we deliver service. Our telehealth visits expanded from approximately 11,000 encounters in 2019 to over 400,000 visits in 2020!

This is an amazing accomplishment: thank you!

We are therefore excited to announce the selection of a new telehealth vendor that will unify the UH digital health platform for our patients and our interprofessional teams. As we know, telehealth will continue to be an integral service delivery expectation, as well as a continuously maturing system strategy to ensure optimal technology integration.

The platform selected, Visuwell, was evaluated and recommended by departments across our health system, including UHPS caregivers, IT, Operations, Legal, Compliance, Marketing and Revenue Cycle. Over 100 providers were engaged in the assessment process.

The Visuwell platform provides key features and functionalities prioritized in the Telehealth Provider Survey conducted last year, including:

  • Integration with our scheduling and EMR systems
  • A branded consumer experience
  • Multi-party visits
  • Screen share
  • A virtual waiting room to assist in patient triage
  • Point of care scheduling in our practices

Within the next few weeks, the UH Clinical Network will share communications about the system-wide implementation and transition plan to Visuwell. If you have questions, we invite you to email us at Telehealth@UHHospitals.org.

As always, thank you for everything you do.
