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UH Rainbow Participates in PAS 2020 Neonatology Summer Webinar Series


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UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital's will participate in the PAS 2020 Neonatology Summer Webinar Series to share original science abstracts that were accepted for the 2020 meeting. This initiative will provide a collegial opportunity to recognize the outstanding work of our physician-scientists and advance the understanding of critical areas of research.

Rainbow platform abstract presentation are listed below. All presentations are 10 minutes and schedule is subject to change based on presener availability.

WEEK 2 - Neonatal Health Services Research/Quality Improvement

Date Session Title  Presenter Session Time Abstract Time 
Tuesday, June 16 NICU QI and Safety I Development and Implementation of an Earlier Refeeding after Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Guideline for Non-Surgical NEC RM Ryan, Ekta Patel 3:15  2:55

WEEK 3 - Neonatal Cardiopulmonary

Date Session Title  Presenter Session Time Abstract Time 
Tuesday, June 23 Neonatal Pulmonology: What's a Little Hyperoxia Among Friends? Longer term airway hyperreactivity following neonatal hyperoxia can be attenuated with both levalbuterol and S-nitrosoglutathione reductase inhibition Thomas Raffay 2:30  2:55
  Neonatal Pulmonology: Interventions and Human Studies Modulation of CPAP-induced airway hyperreactivity by the calcium sensitive receptor (CaSR) Catherine Mayer 4:30  4:55
  Neonatal Pulmonology: Interventions and Human Studies Assessing 3 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Definitions: Associations between Room Air Challenge Results and Respiratory Outcomes AM Hibbs, Samia Aleem 4:30   5:15

WEEK 4 - Neonatology

Date Session Title  Presenter Session Time Abstract Time 
Friday, July 24 Neonatal Hematology & Bilirubin Metabolism Ex vivo effect of bilirubin on signaling and trafficking of L1 cell adhesion molecule in cerebellum of Gunn rat pups CF Bearer, Spencer Kitchen 4:30 5:05
  Neonatal Hematology & Bilirubin Metabolism Evaluation of a near-patient diagnostic platform for G6PD ML Nock, Michael Cotten 4:30  5:15

View an overview of the the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting Preliminary Neonatology Summer Webinar Series.
