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UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Appoints New Division Chief of Cardiothoracic Intensive Care


Ira Cheifetz, MD will be joining UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s team as the inaugural Division Chief of Cardiothoracic Intensive Care.

Ira Cheifetz, MD Ira Cheifetz, MD

Beginning July 15, he will be a part of our growing Heart Center program and The Congenital Heart Collaborative in conjunction with Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Dr. Cheifetz is a pediatric cardiac intensivist with focused expertise in congenital heart disease, cardiorespiratory interactions, mechanical ventilation, and extracorporeal life support. Dr. Cheifetz is an active clinical and translational NIH funded researcher who has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and chapters, and presented at numerous national and international scientific symposia.

Dr. Cheifetz received his medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine. He then moved to North Carolina to complete his residency training in Pediatrics and a fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, both at Duke University Medical Center. Following training, Dr. Cheifetz joined the Duke Department of Pediatrics faculty where he remained for the next 30 years achieving the academic rank of Professor and serving in several clinical, academic, and administrative leadership roles including the Division Chief for Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Medical Director of ECMO Program, Program Director for Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship, Chief Medical Officer for Duke Children’s Hospital and Associate Chief Medical Officer for Duke University Hospital.
