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UH Breast Surgeons Present at National Meetings


Skin reduction nipple-sparing mastectomy, Magseed technology and effective strategies for professional feedback covered

Cancer Update - June 2018


By Megan E. Miller, MD, UH Breast Surgical Oncologist and Surgical Educator

At the American Society of Breast Surgeons 19th Annual Meeting on May 4 in Orlando, Fla., I joined Drs. Jill Dietz, Mary Freyvogel, and Pam Li (see photo) in presenting “Skin Reduction Nipple Sparing Mastectomy: Safe and Feasible in Large Volume or Ptotic Breasts” on outcomes after this novel procedure. The combination of two oncoplastic techniques extends the eligibility criteria to women who were not previously considered candidates for this type of mastectomy. Early results have demonstrated a low rate of post-operative complications, most of which were minor and treated in the outpatient setting.

Dr. Dietz also presented a “How I Do It” Video on Magseed localized round block lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy during the general session on May 5. This technique highlights our new Magseed technology, which is used in place of wire localization. When combined with a “hidden” peri-areolar incision and oncoplastic tissue rearrangement, the procedure achieves desirable results from both oncologic and cosmetic standpoints. Audience members were eager to implement this procedure in their own practice.

During the 2018 annual business meeting, Dr. Dietz was announced as President-Elect of the Society. We extend our most sincere congratulations to her and look forward to her leadership in this important role.

In addition, at the May 2 annual meeting of the Association for Surgical Education, I presented a workshop entitled “Giving Verbal Feedback (and How to Receive the Responses).” The session highlighted effective feedback strategies to improve interactions between faculty and trainees and included simulated scenarios in which participants practiced their new skills.

As co-chair of the Association’s Graduate Surgical Education Committee, I involved medical students and residents in the workshop to emphasize the value of early involvement in educational initiatives to help build the next generation of surgical educators.
