Showing of 13 results

COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Against “Long COVID,” Large New Study Finds
Study led by University Hospitals’ Grace McComsey, MD, underscores the importance of vaccination to combat what can be the serious health consequences of “long COVID”

Passionate about University Hospitals
UH Alumnus and the 2021 Distinguished Physician Award Honoree, Dr. Richard Martin gives back | December 2021

Inspired by the UH Mission
Nicole Maronian, MD gives back to UH - UH Alumni Association News | September 2021

A Conversation with Peter Agre, MD
Peter Agre, MD, UH Alumnus and Nobel Laureate discusses his medical career path, experience winning a Nobel prize and his work as an ambassador of science.

A Conversation with UH Alumnus, Jonathan Lewin, MD
Dr. Lewin discusses his Cleveland childhood, training at UH and his successful leadership style and principals that led him to where he is today.

Patrawadee Duangjak, MD and Vichai Duangjak, MD Retired Physicians Creating a Legacy of Caring
UH Alumni Association News | April 2021