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Disruption Leads to Accelerated Change and Innovations


UH Research & Education Update | July 2020

Disruption leads to accelerated change as well as innovations. Despite all of the organization’s changes from COVID-19, University Hospitals expects recruitment in the new academic year to be better than ever.

At the 2019 Annual Graduate Medical Education Retreat, UH focused on recruitment best practices to improve diversity and inclusion. This year we expect more program directors will enlist faculty and trainees for a holistic review of residency and fellowship applications.

Applicants selected for an interview will meet us ‘virtually.” The virtual meetings will create an opportunity for us to use standardized behavioral or situational questions that are scored according to expected milestones for relevant competencies. The virtual interviews will also save applicants money on travel expenses and allow them to spend more time in educational work than travel.

Department programs will share aims for graduate performance based on the unique strengths of their program such as research, urban or rural practice, underserved community care or academic leadership. We will emphasize our institutional educational aims to train physicians who:

  • routinely seek the perspective of other disciplines and professions for complex cases,
  • use technology to enhance efficiency and patient centeredness,
  • are rapid adopters of best practices,
  • practice high value care; and
  • are resilient and have a low burn-out rate.

We also will celebrate our commitment to a diverse and inclusive educational community. A virtual tour will be available for all applicants to view.

These challenging times will make us and our educational programs stronger.

To contact Susan Nedorost, MD, Director, Graducate Medical Education, Email Susan.Nedorost@UHhospitals.org.
