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General Surgery for the 21st Century


Growing number of elective procedures can be done laparoscopically, UH surgeon says

UH Clinical Update - December 2017

Amani Munshi, MD Amani Munshi, MD

Whether performing elective hernia surgery or emergency abdominal surgery, University Hospitals general surgeon Amani Munshi, MD, takes pride in treating patients in their home community. Now starting her third year with UH, Dr. Munshi sees patients at UH St. John Medical Center and UH Westlake Health Center, performing surgery at UH St. John. 

“It definitely is an advantage to keep patients in their community,” she says. “It’s easier, too, for their families to visit. Plus, there are more and more cases that we can keep here at UH St. John.”

As a surgeon, Dr. Munshi performs a variety of hernia repairs, from the more common umbilical and inguinal hernia procedures that are performed laparoscopically to the more complex abdominal wall reconstructions for larger hernias that were traditionally performed open but can sometimes now be done laparoscopically. She also provides surgical treatment for gallbladder disease and benign esophageal disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and esophageal motility disorders. In addition, when patients arrive at the Level 3 trauma center at UH St. John requiring surgery, Dr. Munshi is part of the team on call.

“For the vast majority of patients that come into the ED, we can keep them at UH St. John and provide care in the community in a very competent fashion,” she says.

Board-certified in surgery, Dr. Munshi earned her medical degree at Wayne State University School of Medicine. Following general surgery residency training at SUNY Upstate Medical University, during which she was chief resident, she completed fellowship training in advanced minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at University of Alberta Hospital. In addition, she completed a second fellowship in minimally invasive surgery at McGill University Health Centre.

In her practice at UH, most patients having elective hernia surgery can have the procedure done laparoscopically, Dr. Munshi says.

“We’re doing more abdominal wall hernias with minimally invasive approaches,” she says. “Even larger hernias that used to be done open we’re doing laparoscopically. There’s a large elderly population in Westlake, and we see a lot of elderly people with hiatal hernias. We’re keeping more of those cases at UH St. John now more than before and handling with a laparoscopic approach.”

Whatever the procedure she may be performing, Dr. Munshi says she makes patient education a priority.

“It’s important that patients truly understand what the problem is and why we’re doing surgery,” she says. “I definitely take the time to make sure they understand. We also keep their primary care provider involved in the process, to make sure medically and cardiac-wise that they’re able and ready for surgery.”

Providing good access is also key to creating a satisfying experience for patients, Dr. Munshi says.

“We do our best to get patients in the office relatively quickly,” she says. “When there’s a call for consultation, we do our best to get them scheduled for surgery in a timely fashion, depending on what they need done and how quickly it needs to be done.”

It’s all part of creating the best outcomes for UH’s Westside patients.

“We want to make sure that all their questions are answered and that they’re going to be comfortable coming to UH St. John,” Dr. Munshi says. “Their internist is in the community, their surgeon is in the community, all the people taking care of them are here. We have good outcomes, with very limited issues or complications.”

For more information about Dr. Munshi’s services or to make a referral, please call 440-827-5299.
