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UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute

World-Class Comprehensive Sports Medicine Care

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Ankle & Foot

Shoulder & Elbow

Hand & Wrist



The UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute at UH Ahuja Medical Center offers athletes of all ages a one-stop shop for comprehensive orthopedic services including performance training, on-site surgical services, physical and occupational therapy, and more.

Learn More about UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute Learn More about Performance Training by T3 Performance

University Hospitals Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute takes a multidisciplinary approach that integrates care from medical experts who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment for athletes of all ages and abilities. Our fellowship-trained sports medicine specialists, primary care doctors, nutritionists, sleep experts and other healthcare professionals ensure the very best in health and medical care for athletes.

As the official healthcare partner for the Cleveland Browns, our team of experts provide care both on and off the field, from pee wee to pro. Learn more about the Cleveland Browns & UH partnership.

Meet the Sports Medicine Team

Inside FirstEnergy Stadium

At University Hospitals Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute, we pride ourselves on providing patients of all ages with quality care, delivered by specialists and subspecialists who are fellowship-trained in sports medicine.

Don’t delay care. Stay in the Game.
Call 216-983-7529.

UH Haslam Sports Innovation Center

University Hospitals is committed to the advancement of sports medicine technologies to support healthier athletes and communities. Made possible by a generous gift from Dee and Jimmy Haslam, the UH Haslam Innovation Center identifies, develops and invests in the latest sports innovations.

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Get expert care. Stay in the Game.

Call 216-983-7529 to see which option is right for you or schedule online today.

We Accept Most Insurance Plans

UH accepts most major insurance plans. However, it is best to check with your health plan to confirm that University Hospitals is included. View accepted insurance plans.

AED in 3

If an athlete experiences sudden cardiac collapse, the goal from time of collapse to shock is 3 minutes or less. The goal of the AED in 3 challenge is to raise awareness about this importance of practicing and implementing at Emergency Action Plan.

Official Health Care Provider For:

The official healthcare partner of The Cleveland Browns
The official healthcare partner of The Cleveland Monsters
The official healthcare partner of The Cleveland Ballet

Sports Medicine Patient Stories

Helping athletes of all ages and abilities return to the playing field after being sidelined by injury.