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Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology is Transforming Joint Replacement Surgery

The Mako Robotic-Arm is an advanced innovation in orthopedic surgery that is transforming the way joint replacement procedures are performed. And, with the increasing need for knee and hip replacements due to normal wear-and-tear, sports injuries and overuse injuries, Mako technology is enhancing the joint replacement experience for patients of all ages.

To find out if Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology is an option for your orthopedic procedure, call 440-482-8649 to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic specialist at University Hospitals.

Improved Accuracy with Mako Restores Joint Function

The Mako robot

Mako is an interactive robotic arm that provides the surgeon with real-time, visual, tactile and auditory feedback throughout the procedure to ensure optimum placement of the implant and restore both the bio-mechanical alignment and range-of-motion of the joint.

Using 3-D printing technology, Mako also allows the surgeon to create a detailed model of the existing joint and develop a surgical plan customized to each patient's diagnosis and anatomy prior to the actual surgery. During the surgery, any necessary adjustments can be made using the robotic arm and image-guided technology to execute the plan.

Choose Mako for Total Knee, Partial Knee and Total Hip Replacement

Drs. Zanotti and Stanfield with the Mako Robotic-Arm

A comprehensive examination by an orthopedic surgeon is needed to determine a patient’s eligibility for joint replacement surgery using Mako technology. For eligible patients, the benefits may include:

  • A more predictable surgical experience with increased accuracy
  • Smaller incisions and less scarring
  • Faster recovery with less pain
  • More sparing of bone

With this new advanced surgical technology, the majority of joint replacement patients will be up and walking the same day and will go home the day after surgery. Mako joint replacement procedures are done at several UH facilities across our region including UH Ahuja Medical Center, UH Beachwood Medical Center, UH Elyria Medical Center, UH Geauga Medical Center and UH St. John Medical Center.

Our Providers

Breana Siljander, MD

  • Orthopedic Adult Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery
  • Westlake (15 mi.)
    Cleveland (0 mi.)
    Beachwood (6 mi.)
    Mayfield (9 mi.)

Wayne Cohen-Levy, MD

(4.9), 74 Reviews
  • Orthopedic Adult Reconstructive Surgery
  • Mayfield (9 mi.)
    Beachwood (5 mi.)
    Beachwood (6 mi.)
    Mayfield (9 mi.)
    Mentor (19 mi.)

Steven Fitzgerald, MD

(4.6), 50 Reviews
  • Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Adult Reconstructive Surgery
  • Beachwood (5 mi.)
    Beachwood (6 mi.)
    Mayfield (9 mi.)
    Medina (29 mi.)

David Marsh, MD

(4.8), 41 Reviews
  • Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Shoulder Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery
  • North Olmsted (17 mi.)
    Sheffield Village (25 mi.)
    Amherst (34 mi.)