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Family & Child Life Services

Creative Arts Therapies

Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Creative Arts Therapies team is made up of Registered and Board Certified Art Therapists and Board Certified Music Therapists. Our art and music therapists are members of the Family and Child Life Services department and work to promote Rainbow’s family-centered care philosophy. These services complement Rainbow’s renowned pediatric medical care by supporting the physical and emotional needs of patients and families through art and music.

Our creative arts therapists are clinically trained to use the creative process to help patients and families:

  • Cope with challenges related to hospitalization and diagnosis
  • Engage in opportunities to make choices and gain control
  • Explore and express their feelings
  • Distract from pain
  • Grow and play with age-appropriate activities
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Build confidence and increase self-esteem

While there can be an educational and fun component to creative arts sessions, the goal of art and music therapy is to provide a means of expression and communication using the natural languages of art and music.

Work with an Art or Music Therapist

Our creative arts team is currently able to provide art and music therapy to inpatients at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital main campus. Ask your caregiver for a referral.

Art Therapy Student Program

We offer student learning opportunities for graduate level art therapy students. If you are interested in learning more about our student program please call 216-286-9401 or email Rainbow.AT@uhhospitals.org.

Music Therapy Student Program

Our National Roster music therapy internship is open to undergraduate and graduate level students from American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) approved programs. For more information, please call 216-296-9401 or email Rainbow.MT@uhhospitals.org.

Additional Resources

To learn more about art or music therapy, visit these websites:

Buckeye Art Therapy Association
American Art Therapy Association
American Music Therapy Association
Association of Ohio Music Therapists