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Cancer Clinical Trials

University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center is an academic medical center and member of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. We are one of only 57 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers and a national leader in both patient care and cancer research. As a result, we offer earlier access to clinical trials that are an important part of curing cancer every day.

Clinical trials are research studies that are used to find better ways to diagnose and treat individuals with cancer. They are the final step in a long process that begins with research in a laboratory setting. When a new technology or medicine shows promising results in the initial research setting, many times the next step is to conduct what is commonly known as a clinical trial. Clinical trials are done to ensure these new approaches to diagnosis or treat cancer are safe and effective. Many successful treatments used today are the result of clinical trials.

The Kathy and Les Coleman Clinical Trials Center at UH Seidman Cancer Center offers more than 400 clinical trials for cancer patients.

Medical breakthroughs in cancer treatment are developed through cancer clinical trials. Every single drug used to cure patients today was established through clinical research and a clinical trial in the past.


How New Cancer Therapies are Safely Developed

Dr. Teknos

Why Cancer Clinical Trials are Important

woman looking into a microscope

Impact of Clinical Trials

“Research is really the cornerstone of innovation and cancer diagnostics and cancer treatment.”

– Quintin Pan, PhD

You Have Choices

If you have cancer, you have choices. Talk with your doctor about clinical trials that may be available for you.
For more information on cancer and clinical trials, call 1-844-336-8156.

Ask the Research Navigator

Diverse research participation is important. Talk with our Research Navigator to learn why it is important and how you can get involved.

Browse Clinical Trials

Brain Tumor Clinical Trials & Studies

Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinical Trials & Studies

Gynecologic Oncology Clinical Trials & Studies

Hematologic Malignancy Clinical Trials & Studies

Lung Cancer Clinical Trials & Studies

Surgical Oncology Clinical Trials & Studies

About Clinical Trials

UH Seidman Cancer Center researchers are constantly developing and studying new procedures, tests, tools and medications that could help patients with cancer.

Participating in a Clinical Trial

Learn more about making the decision to participate in a clinical trial and why you might want to take part, and patient rights while participating in a clinical trial.

Clinical Trials Unit

If you choose a clinical trial as part of your treatment plan, a dedicated team of specialists and support staff will work together to manage your care.

Educational Videos

Free online video library gives patients information about cancer clinical trials.

Helpful Links

Learn more about clinical trials and regulations involved in clinical trials.