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Clinical Trials Unit

The University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Clinical Trials Unit provides a centralized infrastructure to support cancer related research. The unit provides a broad range of services to provide complete clinical trial coordination to assist in the initiation and conducting of clinical trials. A description of core resources and services provided by the Clinical Trials Unit is provided below.

Research Nurse or Coordinator: Each clinical trial is assigned to a research nurse or coordinator. Working with the doctor, the research nurse or coordinator identifies patients who might be willing to participate, reviews patient eligibility, educates patients about clinical trial requirements, and conducts clinical assessment and follow-up. Research nurses or coordinators stay closely involved with patients, monitoring their progress throughout the clinical trial and ensuring that patients’ rights and privacy remain protected.

Data Management Team: Since the collection, management and analysis of clinical trial data is critical to the success of any clinical trial, our data management team provides specialized knowledge and detailed attention to carry out services to gather and report data.

Regulatory Management Services: The Clinical Trials Unit regulatory management services works with the research team and sponsors to ensure that every aspect of protocol development, informed consent and documentation complies with local, federal and international requirements.

Quality Assurance: Our team participates in ongoing quality assurance efforts including internal and external system audits and data and regulatory monitoring to ensure compliance with policies and procedures, Federal Regulations and commitments to our sponsors.

Business Operations Team: The Business Operations Team facilitates the approval of clinical trial agreements by appropriate hospital departments. We provide financial management for trials funded by outside organizations including pharmaceutical companies, government agencies and others.

The Kathy and Les Coleman Clinical Trials Center: The Kathy and Les Coleman Clinical Trials Center at UH Seidman Cancer Center offers more than 400 clinical trials for cancer patients. It provides investigators with an environment to conduct early phase studies safely and effectively. The center consists of infusions suites that provide a comfortable atmosphere for patients when an extended study visit is required for investigator attended medication infusion, blood sampling, or patient monitoring, and monitoring of serious or adverse events. The unit is in close proximity to and relationship with Laboratory Services, which allows for real time specimen preparation and processing, storage, and shipping of study related biological specimens.

UH Seidman Cancer Center offers more than 400 clinical trials for cancer patients.

Find out more about the current clinical trials and learn more about our Clinical Trials Unit team. Clinical Trials are offered at UH Seidman Cancer Center regional locations as well. Ask your doctor or nurse if a clinical trial you are considering is offered at one of these regional locations.