Showing of 4 results

UH Doctors Find Source of Girl's Intermittent Abdominal Pain
For more than a year, Anna experienced consistent abdominal pain with no explanation.

Breanna’s Story
After Breanna’s urinary system started to go downhill after a series of complications from spina bifida and caudal regression syndrome, she sought treatment from UH pediatric urologist Dr. Lynn Woo.

This 8-Year-Old Doesn't Allow His Diagnosis To Define Him
William “Trey” Clark had more intense medical procedures in his first week of life than many do in a lifetime, so this fun-loving 8-year-old doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

Adjustments Allow Infant To Have Surgery, Go Home the Same Day
When an 8-month-old needed surgery for an ureteropelvic junction obstruction during the pandemic, a UH Rainbow pediatric urologist made several adjustments to ensure the boy went home the same day.