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Diabetes Services

Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic

The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be difficult even for individuals who do not have chronic health conditions. For young people living with diabetes, their condition adds a unique set of challenges to face during this important time in their physical, psychological and emotional development. Whether they are going off to college, entering the workforce, or readying themselves for independent living, this is the time when young people begin to take responsibility for their own healthcare.

Make an Appointment

To set up an appointment with the Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic, please call 216-286-8988.

At the Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic at University Hospitals, our goal is to provide a smooth continuum of care for patients transitioning from pediatric diabetes care to adult diabetes care. We also provide diabetes care to young adults who have just recently been diagnosed with the condition.

Who Can Participate in the Clinic?

  • Anyone 18 to 26 years old who was diagnosed with diabetes as a child/adolescent and is now transitioning from pediatric to adult care.
  • Anyone 18 to 26 years old who was just recently diagnosed with diabetes.

Benefits of Transitional Diabetes Care

Patients at the Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic meet with compassionate adult-care physicians who have specialized training in providing diabetes care to adolescents and young adults. At this stage of the care continuum, patients continue to receive excellent diabetes management services, including:

  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • Insulin therapy
  • Management of other medications (when needed)
  • Nutrition and exercise counseling
  • Diabetes management technologies

In addition, clinic experts provide their young patients with guidance on many of the common issues that affect their age group, including:

  • Learning to manage one’s own healthcare – making appointments, refilling prescriptions, etc.
  • Understanding insurance coverage
  • Education, career and job counseling
  • Driving
  • Sexual health and diabetes
  • Healthy coping with diabetes
  • Having a support system
  • Smoking, alcohol and drug use

Clinic Location

The Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic is currently offered at UH Minoff Health Center at Chagrin Highlands:

UH Minoff Health Center at Chagrin Highlands
3909 Orange Pl.
Orange Village, OH 44122

Get Directions

After a patient establishes care at the clinic, virtual appointments may be used for certain follow-up visits.

How to Make an Appointment

To set up an appointment with the Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic, please call: 216-286-8988.

Meet the Team

The Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic comprises a dedicated team of endocrinologists, certified diabetes care and education specialists, and nurses supported by dietitians and a dedicated pharmacist.

Endocrinology Providers

Experts in endocrinology provide individuals with a full range of endocrine treatment and care services to support diabetes self-management.

Diabetes Education

Diabetes education for this unique patient population includes information, resources and support services to help young people stay informed, healthy, active and independent as they move into the adult healthcare system.