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Diabetes Patient Resources

University Hospitals is pleased to offer a wide range of resources and support services for adults and children with diabetes.

Diabetes Self-Management Education

Our self-management education program empowers patients to take control of their diabetes and their health.

Diabetes Education Program

This program offered through UH St. John Medical Center is aimed at helping patients successfully manage diabetes through group classes and individual consultations.

The Science of Health Blog

Check out blog articles on diabetes, obesity and other related topics.

Virtual Health Talks

Our virtual seminars are hosted by UH diabetes and obesity experts.


Overcoming Cost Barriers in Diabetes Care

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Triglycerides in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

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Wellness Retreat

Our retreats feature seminars, demonstrations and activities focusing on diabetes, prediabetes and obesity self-management topics.

Make An Appointment

To schedule a consult with a diabetes specialist, please call 216-286-8988.