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Diabetes Services

Advanced, Multidisciplinary Treatment for All Types of Diabetes

The experts at University Hospitals provide compassionate, world-class care, using the latest treatments and technology to help people with diabetes lead full, productive lives.

Make an Appointment

University Hospitals is pleased to offer a wide range of resources and support services for adults and children with diabetes. To schedule an appointment, call 216-435-1071.

Find a Diabetes Specialist Near You

Pediatric Diabetes Services

The pediatric endocrinologists at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s work with families to help manage their child’s type 1 or type 2 diabetes. If weight is a factor, we offer services to encourage positive diet and lifestyle habits.

Early Interventions to Prevent or Manage Diabetes

If treatment begins when a person is first diagnosed with pre-diabetes, the condition may be reversed through dietary changes, exercise and weight loss.

If the disease progresses and type 2 diabetes develops, the treatment plan may expand to include medications to reduce glucose levels and frequent monitoring of blood sugar levels. Patients may also be offered diabetes self-management technologies such as insulin pumps and connected insulin pen devices. Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) are also available and approved for those with a confirmed diabetes diagnosis.

Medical interventions for diabetes care are always offered in conjunction with nutrition and exercise recommendations.

Multidisciplinary Expertise for Diabetes Complications

Some people diabetes are able to manage their condition with primary care, endocrinology care and nutritional counseling only.

Over time, some people with diabetes develop related conditions. Specialists that may be involved in your treatment plan include:

Specialized Programs & Services

To help patients streamline their care and manage their risk factors, University Hospitals offers several specialized programs for the management of diabetes. Programs include:

UH Diabetes & Metabolic Care Center

Led by an experienced team of clinicians and scientists, the UH Diabetes & Metabolic Care Center provides ongoing care for diabetes, obesity and obesity-related conditions.

Young Adult Transition Diabetes Clinic

Offering a smooth continuum of care for patients transitioning from pediatric to adult diabetes care or for young adults who have recently been diagnosed with the condition.

Integrative Medicine Consultation

Integrative medicine can help treat diabetes using specialized services to supplement and support medical care. Recommended therapies may include massage therapy and mindfulness.

Find a Doctor

Search for an adult or pediatric endocrinologist.

Patient Resources

Resources include patient education, webinars, and our blog.

Make An Appointment

To schedule a consult with a diabetes specialist, please call 216-286-8988.