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The primary site for training in the fellowship is the Pediatric Neuropsychology Program within the Division of Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics and Psychology at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. Faculty and fellows’ offices are located in the Walker Building adjacent to the main medical campus, and patients are predominantly seen in the Walker Building. The fellow also has rotations at the Zagara Clinic at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and several satellite clinics around the city. The fellow will have an office in the Walker Building.

The fellow has access to the medical library and online journals through University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. The Samuel J. Horwitz, MD Pediatric Learning Center (PLC) is a clinically oriented library focused on Pediatrics and geared to support resident and fellow education as well as assist in continued learning for all Rainbow faculty and staff. The facility houses a printed reference collection, a number of computer-equipped work stations, and provides access to printing, scanning, and photocopy equipment. The Center is staffed by a full-time librarian and is open 24/7 with a door key code. Along with printed books and journals, the library subscribes to a number of electronic resources, available from the PLC website, and provides a number of specialized research guides and tools. Library services include reference and mediated literature searching, database training, and interlibrary loan assistance.

Pediatric Learning Center
Tel: 216-844-3265
Fax: 216-844-1724