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Pediatric Palliative Care Center

Support for Parents Who Have Lost a Child

Losing a child can be extremely traumatic and the grieving process can be overwhelming – especially without an outlet for expressing and talking through your grief. University Hospitals is working to build a safe community for people who have endured the death of a baby or child by providing support and resources for grieving parents and families.

Contact UH Parent Bereavement Program

Please reach out if you are in need of bereavement support or resources.

Email: HEAL@UHhospitals.org
Call: 216-844-8254

Understanding Grief

Bereavement encompasses the whole experience of losing someone you love, including the anticipation, death, and adjustment to living afterward. Grief is the natural human response of losing someone close to you. It is extremely complex and does not follow a specific timeline. Everyone grieves in their own way and at their own time. Grief is an individual process and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Common grief reactions can include:

  • Shock
  • Disbelief or denial
  • Anxiety or distress
  • Anger
  • Periods of sadness
  • Sleep problems
  • Loss of appetite

It is normal to feel completely overwhelmed following the loss of a child. Grief is part of the healing process to find a way to live within a new normal.

The bereavement team at UH provides support for parents and families experiencing grief caused by:

Ways We Can Help

We understand the profound emotional impact loss of a child can have on a family. It can be helpful to have someone to talk to, whether that be a family member, significant other, friend, spiritual advisor, grief counselor, mental health services or support groups.

Our team takes a patient- and family-centered approach to grief support. We provide personalized resources and recommendations for every family, because grief is a very personal experience and should be tailored to your unique needs. We stay connected with families, continuing to provide services and support as needed in the weeks, months and years following a loss.

Our program is supported through a generous gift from the Adler family, which created the UH Joanie and Tom Adler Endowed Director of Parent Bereavement Programs.

Contact Us

Please reach out if you are in need of bereavement support or resources.

Email: HEAL@uhhospitals.org
Call: 216-844-8254

Emergency Mental Health Services

If you or a loved one need urgent help for a mental health crisis or suicidal thoughts, there are emergency mental health services available 24/7. Please contact one of the services listed below to talk to someone immediately.

Cleveland Area Mobile Crisis

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988