Application Questions

In keeping with the recommendations of MPPDA, AAIM, and the APPD, we will be conducting all residency interviews virtually. In order to ensure fairness, even applicants who live in Cleveland will be offered virtual interviews only. We will work hard to ensure that your virtual interview experience provides you with the information, time interacting with residents, and other meaningful experiences that you will need in order to make a well-informed decision about your residency training.
We will distribute interview invitations in the late afternoons only (Eastern Standard Time) on weekdays to minimize disruptions to clinical rotations and personal time. Invitations will be distributed on or after October 8 to allow time for a holistic review of all applications. Most interviews will be held on Tuesdays in November and December. If we offer you an interview, we are committed to making sure there is an available interview date for you, and we will give at least 72 hours to respond after invitations have been extended. We will work hard to accommodate your scheduling needs, where possible.
For general questions regarding the Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program or any questions related to interviews or the application process, please contact our coordinator Regina Steffen.
Please see our FAQ section for common questions regarding application requirements.
Contact Information
Regina Steffen
Program Coordinator