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UH Samaritan Medical Center

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Expert Medical & Clinical Services at UH Samaritan Medical Center

The expert team of clinicians at University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center delivers comprehensive care across the spectrum of medical and surgical specialties. Our specialists see patients at a number of convenient locations including our main campus in Ashland, UH Kettering Health Center in Loudonville and UH Richland Health Center in Mansfield.

Additional facilities include an onsite rehabilitation center, an occupational health center on Mifflin Avenue, lab and imaging services at UH Baney Road Health Center and an Infusion Center located beside the hospital.

From family medicine to 24/7 emergency care and everything in between, our highly trained staff can diagnose and treat a full range of conditions using state-of-the-art technology and advanced procedures. Our team comprises physicians with nationally recognized expertise in multiple specialties, including heart & vascular, orthopedics & sports medicinewomen’s health and neurology.

We also offer state-of-the-art, on-campus diagnostic imaging and laboratory services.

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment with a medical professional at UH Samaritan Medical Center. Call 419-289-0491 or 1-800-257-9917.