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Centers of Excellence+ Programs

University Hospitals Centers of Excellence+: Information for Patients

The most important goal of every Center of Excellence+ (COE+) at University Hospitals is to provide the best patient care possible at an affordable price. As such, we embrace a patient-centered approach that promotes best practice guidelines while eliminating unnecessary treatments and procedures.

Ready to Enroll?

Fill out our online form to enroll in one of our COE+ programs.

Get Started

What Happens During Your Care Journey?

  1. Initially, you will contact your health insurance provider or fill out our contact form to initiate a referral to your insurance provider.
  2. Your insurance provider will verify your plan eligibility and send you an information packet.
  3. Once UH receives the referral, our nurse navigators will coordinate all pre-surgical requirements.
  4. If you will be traveling to Northeast Ohio, your insurance provider will coordinate all lodging and travel arrangements.
  5. Upon your arrival at UH, the nurse navigators will escort you to all appointments for clinical evaluation and pre-surgical testing.
  6. The UH care team will oversee your care until you leave the hospital. Your PCP will then continue care. Your UH nurse navigators will follow up to check on your progress.

What to Expect During Your Visit

We are with you every step of the way during your care journey – from processing the initial referral and coordinating all pre-surgical requirements to managing your post-surgical recovery. You can expect nothing less than the best medical care and supporting services when you have your procedure through a UH Center of Excellence+ Program.

For further information on obtaining world-class treatment through a UH Center of Excellence+ Program, click one of the following links:

Five Pillars of Clinical Care

Our COEs strive for value, optimal clinical outcomes, positive patient experiences, and lower cost for both patients and employers. To achieve these goals, our program is built on five pillars of clinical care: connection, innovation, engagement, transformation and appropriateness.

To receive more information about our Center of Excellence+ programs, please fill out this form:

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If you are a UH employee and have specific questions regarding UH health plan benefits, please contact Contigo Health at 877-891-2690, Option 7.