University Hospitals Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence+
If you are a candidate for weight loss surgery, the University Hospitals Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence+ offers a complete range of bariatric surgery services, including evaluation, travel assistance, surgery, aftercare and associated ancillary services. Our highly experienced bariatric surgery specialists and skilled staff offer tailored support for patients, including lifetime nutrition counseling for patients both before and after weight loss surgery with a team of registered dietitians. Because many of our staff have had weight loss surgery themselves, they understand your journey and know how to help you achieve long-term success.
Get Started Today
Choose an option to begin planning your weight loss surgery at our Center of Excellence+.
I’m a Patient/UH Employee I’m an Employer/Payer I’m a Healthcare ProfessionalWhat Is a Center of Excellence+?
At UH, we define Center of Excellence+ (COE+) as a program established to supply an exceptionally high concentration of expertise and related resources centered on a particular area of medicine. A COE+ strives for value, optimal clinical outcomes, a positive patient experience, and lower costs for both patients and employers.
Bundled Package
All the services offered through University Hospitals’ Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence are bundled together to be paid at a single rate. This approach promotes efficiency and best practices from all caregivers involved as they work together to provide the highest quality patient care while staying within a price point. Program navigators provide concierge-style support, coordinating all specialist appointments and ancillary services and accompanying patients to these appointments.
The UH Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence+ bundled package includes the following:
- Surgeon consult
- Medical records review
- Lab services
- Psychiatry consult and assessment
- In-person nutritional counseling session
- Additional remote nutritional counseling sessions
- Communication with home managing provider
- Pre-operative Optifast liquid diet
- Bariatric surgery charges for the following:
- Hospital
- Surgeon
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Pathology
- Hernia repair
- Postoperative physical therapy visits
- Postoperative rehabilitation visits
- Cane or walker
Available Procedures
Procedures offered through the Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence+ include the following:
- Gastric Bypass
Also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass weight loss surgery, this procedure shrinks the size of your upper stomach to a small pouch to reduce the amount of food you can eat in order to facilitate weight loss. The intestines are also rerouted to decrease the absorption of calories and change the metabolism of insulin. On average, gastric bypass surgery can help people lose 50 to 75 percent of their excess weight.
Gastric bypass has been around longer than any other surgical weight loss procedure available today and remains one of the most commonly performed bariatric surgery procedures worldwide. Gastric bypass is commonly considered for patients that have diabetes or severe heartburn. The procedure is one of the most effective anti-reflux operations available today, resolving reflux in 75 percent of patients that choose this surgery.
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
With the minimally invasive sleeve gastrectomy procedure, a surgeon removes 80 to 90 percent of your stomach, making more of a tube shape, similar to a medium-sized banana. With a smaller stomach, you will feel fuller faster. Bariatric sleeve surgery removes the portion of your stomach where hunger hormones are generated, which also results in a decreased appetite and improvement in hunger. You may lose 50 to 60 percent of your excess weight on average with a gastric sleeve procedure, along with seeing improvements in your overall health.
- Duodenal Switch
This biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) is a more complex bariatric surgery technique that combines the steps of the sleeve gastrectomy with the decreased absorption of calories aspect similar to the gastric bypass. A duodenal switch (DS) is known to produce the largest weight loss of 150 pounds or more, as well as the greatest benefits for control of diabetes, but also carries the highest risk of malnutrition. Your surgeon can help determine if this is the right choice for you.
For further information on bariatric surgery preparation, bariatric surgery aftercare and related topics, please visit our Bariatric Surgical Weight Loss page.
Meet the Team
- Mujjahid Abbas, MD – Program Surgeon
- Leena Khaitan, MD, MPH – Program Surgeon
- Jessica Powers, RN, BSN, CNOR, RNFA – Program Navigator
- Blake Wheeler, RN – Program Navigator