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Stroke & Vascular Patient Stories

Showing    of 8 results

Les and Mary Ciancibello celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary in Hawaii

Quick Action Helps Patient Make Remarkable Recovery From Stroke

In less than 40 hours, Mary Ciancibello goes from a major stroke to returning home feeling fine.

Steve and his family celebrate with the Macedonia EMS squad and members of the UH Ahuja Stroke Thrombectomy Team that saved his life

Quick Teamwork Saves Patient From Major Stroke and Paralysis

While on a phone call with a coworker, Steve started to slur his speech. When his coworker went to check on him, he found Steve slumped in his chair. Thankfully, his coworker recognized the symptoms and called 9-1-1 right away.

Matt and Laura Antenucci

Quick Action Saves Man From Debilitating Effects of Stroke

Strokes in young patients are uncommon, but when they do occur, an injury to the blood vessel called an artery dissection is a common cause -- occurring in up to 20 percent of young adults.

Todd McCuaig

Prompt Treatment at UH Neurological Institute Helps Man Defy the Odds

When 52-year-old Todd McCuaig collapsed on a bike ride, the experts at UH Neurological Institute quickly diagnosed a ruptured brain aneurysm and provided the care he needed to beat the odds and survive.

Sudden Vision Loss is the First Sign of Stroke for 36-Year-Old Man

When Daryl Lawson suddenly lost his vision, his wife immediately drove him to the nearest ER. There, he was diagnosed with a stroke and transferred to University Hospitals for expert treatment.

John Andrefsky, MD

Advanced Protocols at UH Parma Medical Center Prevent Lasting Effects for Stroke Patient

When 75-year-old Laurie Duncan began showing symptoms of stroke, she was rushed by ambulance to UH Parma Medical Center for lifesaving care. In just a few short days, she was back to the life and activities she loves.

Doris and David Wrentmore at home

Advanced Stroke Assessment en Route to the ER Helps Patient Get the Care he Needs, Quickly

When Doris Wrentmore suspected her husband was having a stroke, she called 9-1-1. Paramedics began an advanced stroke assessment while en route to the ER, sharing their findings in real time, enabling the staff to treat David upon arrival.

A smiling Erin Vickers

Early Recognition of Stroke Symptoms and Fast Action are Key to Positive Outcomes

Stroke can strike at any age. Learn more about how family members recognized stroke symptoms in 31-year-old Erin and 72-year-old David and quickly got them the expert care they needed.