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Aortic Disease

Aortic Disease: Treatments & Conditions

The Aortic Disease Center of University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute offers the latest surgical therapies for the treatment for all critical and ongoing/monitored aortic conditions. Therapies include complex aortic root reconstructions and surgical reconstruction of aneurysms.

Innovative Research & Clinical Trials

In addition to providing the latest treatments available, we continue to seek new and improved treatment options for aortic conditions. Through our research efforts, we are gaining a greater understanding of how these conditions occur so we can focus on early detection and intervention.

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Advanced Minimally Invasive Procedures

With expansive knowledge and expertise, Aortic Disease Center also offers minimally invasive therapies for appropriate patients that have been shown to result in shorter hospital stays, faster healing times and fewer respiratory and cardiac complications.

Genetic Evaluation and Counseling

Since some aortic conditions can be hereditary, University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute has genetic counselors and cardiologists who specialize in cardiovascular conditions with genetic factors. Our team will help you determine whether any of your family members are at risk for developing an aortic condition. Family members who are at risk can be treated early and may be able to prevent life threatening issues.

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Call 216-844-3800 today.