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Female Reconstruction and Sexual Health (FRESH) Fellowship

Fellowship in in Female Sexual Health and Gynecological Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Pope in surgery

The training program is intended to train specialists in female sexual health and gynecological reconstructive surgery that pertains to female sexual function. The educational purpose of the training is to equip individuals with full-spectrum female sexual health care including surgical skills. This fellowship is shared between University Hospitals Urology and OB/GYN service lines and is open to individuals who have completed either an OB/GYN or Urology Residency training program.


  • Become familiar with diagnostics, etiology, management, and treatment of female sexual dysfunction
  • Learn how to recognize and manage common vulvar dermatoses
  • Learn how to recognize and manage pelvic floor dysfunction, vulvodynia and pain conditions that contribute to sexual function
  • Identify genitourinary syndrome of menopause and manage menopausal symptoms and conditions that contribute to sexual function
  • Become familiar with transgender affirming medical care and surgerical techniques for vaginoplasty and hysterectomy for gender affirmation
  • Become comfortable with hormone therapy when indicated for any of the above conditions
  • Learn medical and surgical techniques for repairing bladder, vaginal and rectal injuries after childbirth, cancer, or other anatomical injuries that require complex reconstruction

Apply Now

For inquiries, please contact Rachel Pope, MD, MPH at Rachel.Pope@UHhospitals.org.


Our faculty includes world renowned specialized physicians eager to train the next generation of urologists.

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